2021高考英语小题狂练(Day 8)

  • 2021高考英语小题狂练(Day 8)-文档模板
  • 2021高考英语小题狂练(Day 8)-文档模板
  • 2021高考英语小题狂练(Day 8)-文档模板
  • 2021高考英语小题狂练(Day 8)-文档模板
  • 2021高考英语小题狂练(Day 8)-文档模板
  • 2021高考英语小题狂练(Day 8)-文档模板
  • 2021高考英语小题狂练(Day 8)-文档模板
  • 2021高考英语小题狂练(Day 8)-文档模板
  • 记叙文阅读 Passage B

  • 说明文阅读 Passage C

  • 完型填空 Passage D

  • 七选五阅读 Passage E

  • 语法填空 Passage (A) Charvi Goyal is a high school student from Dallas, Texas, who helps out other classmates by tutoring them between classes. A tutor is someone who teaches one person or a very small group of students. When Goyal's high school moved online last spring because of COVID-19, she decided to also take her teaching online. The 17-year-old junior and three of her fellow students created TutorScope, a program that offers free tutoring services to other children, including younger ones. It started with a small number of tutors who helped young people in their city. But it has grown into a group of 22 tutors from Texas, Arizona and Ohio. They have helped more than 300 students, some from as far away as South Korea. TutorScope aims to give the one-on-one help that teachers have

  • 转载请注明出处!本文地址:https://www.docer.com/preview/23585162


  • 页数:8页
  • 时间:2023-04-06
  • 编号:23585162
  • 类型:VIP模板
  • 格式:wps
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