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Unit 4 My home Part B Let's talk & Ask, answer and write课件(共27张PPT)

  • Unit 4 My home Part B  Let's talk & Ask, answer and write课件(共27张PPT)-PPT模板
  • Unit 4 My home Part B  Let's talk & Ask, answer and write课件(共27张PPT)-PPT模板
  • Unit 4 My home Part B  Let's talk & Ask, answer and write课件(共27张PPT)-PPT模板
  • Unit 4 My home Part B  Let's talk & Ask, answer and write课件(共27张PPT)-PPT模板
  • Unit 4 My home Part B  Let's talk & Ask, answer and write课件(共27张PPT)-PPT模板
  • Unit 4 My home Part B  Let's talk & Ask, answer and write课件(共27张PPT)-PPT模板
  • Unit 4 My home Part B  Let's talk & Ask, answer and write课件(共27张PPT)-PPT模板
  • Unit 4 My home Part B  Let's talk & Ask, answer and write课件(共27张PPT)-PPT模板
  • Unit 4 My home Part B  Let's talk & Ask, answer and write课件(共27张PPT)-PPT模板
  • Unit 4 My home Part B  Let's talk & Ask, answer and write课件(共27张PPT)-PPT模板
  • Let’s talk Where are the keys Are they on the table No, they aren't.

  • Let’s talk Are they on the phone No, they aren't.

  • Let’s talk Look! They're in the door. Let’s talk 读教材P17对话,思考下列问题。 1 Are the keys on the table 2 Where are the keys No, they aren't. They are in the door. 知识讲解 不同的“看"(look, watch, see, read) 1 用法:look意为“看”,单独成句时,用于引起对方的注意。 辨析: look 强调“看”的动作,当其后有宾语时,要加

  • 转载请注明出处!本文地址:https://www.docer.com/preview/23312929


  • 页数:27页
  • 时间:2023-04-06
  • 编号:23312929
  • 类型:VIP模板
  • 格式:wpp
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