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Unit 8 In the Emergency Room 课件(共18张PPT)

  • Unit 8 In the Emergency Room 课件(共18张PPT)-PPT模板
  • Unit 8 In the Emergency Room 课件(共18张PPT)-PPT模板
  • Unit 8 In the Emergency Room 课件(共18张PPT)-PPT模板
  • Unit 8 In the Emergency Room 课件(共18张PPT)-PPT模板
  • Unit 8 In the Emergency Room 课件(共18张PPT)-PPT模板
  • Unit 8 In the Emergency Room 课件(共18张PPT)-PPT模板
  • Unit 8 In the Emergency Room 课件(共18张PPT)-PPT模板
  • Unit 8 In the Emergency Room 课件(共18张PPT)-PPT模板
  • Unit 8 In the Emergency Room 课件(共18张PPT)-PPT模板
  • Unit 8 In the Emergency Room 课件(共18张PPT)-PPT模板
  • Stop the bleeding. foot/leg hurts hurt badly Don't eat anything. Don't walk. stomachache Read and fill in the blacks. Troubles(麻烦)

  • How to deal with it (如何解决?)

  • an insect bites you wash the area with cold water get burned wash the area with cold water cut your finger clean it and put a piece of paper The Mountain Bike Race Hospital eye chin hand nose knee feet ankle Touch and say. Match the answers. 1. Can we sing songs on the bus 2.Can we eat in the museum 3.Can my dog come 4.Can we take photos in the museum A: No, you can't eat. B:Yes,of course. C:No,you can't take photos. D:No, you can't take pets. Let's choose. 1.He isn't a tall boy, . 2.There is a banana on the desk, . 3.She can't swim,

  • 转载请注明出处!本文地址:https://www.docer.com/preview/23196621


  • 页数:18页
  • 时间:2023-04-06
  • 编号:23196621
  • 类型:VIP模板
  • 格式:wpp
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