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Unit 3 Where did you go? PA Let’s talk 课件(共25张PPT)

  • Unit 3 Where did you go? PA Let’s talk 课件(共25张PPT)-PPT模板
  • Unit 3 Where did you go? PA Let’s talk 课件(共25张PPT)-PPT模板
  • Unit 3 Where did you go? PA Let’s talk 课件(共25张PPT)-PPT模板
  • Unit 3 Where did you go? PA Let’s talk 课件(共25张PPT)-PPT模板
  • Unit 3 Where did you go? PA Let’s talk 课件(共25张PPT)-PPT模板
  • Sorry, I'm at the hospital now. Amy:

  • What happened John:

  • I hurt my foot. Please tell Mr Hu I'm sorry I can't

  • come. Amy:

  • OK. Bye. 录音原文 Let’s try Let’s talk Listen and answer the questions. 听听力,回答下列问题。 What happened to John last Saturday Did John go to Turpan during the Labor Day holiday 1 2 He fell off his bike and hurt his foot. Yes, he did. Let’s talk Amy: What happened John: I fell off my bike last Saturday and hurt my foot. Amy: That's too bad!Are you all right John: I'm OK now. Come and look at my photos from the

  • 转载请注明出处!本文地址:https://www.docer.com/preview/23160138


  • 页数:25页
  • 时间:2023-04-06
  • 编号:23160138
  • 类型:VIP模板
  • 格式:wpp
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