24【高考英语一轮复习】题型一 阅读理解 题组 4 词义猜测题 含答案与解析

  • 24【高考英语一轮复习】题型一 阅读理解 题组 4 词义猜测题 含答案与解析-文档模板
  • 24【高考英语一轮复习】题型一 阅读理解 题组 4 词义猜测题 含答案与解析-文档模板
  • 24【高考英语一轮复习】题型一 阅读理解 题组 4 词义猜测题 含答案与解析-文档模板
  • 24【高考英语一轮复习】题型一 阅读理解 题组 4 词义猜测题 含答案与解析-文档模板
  • 24【高考英语一轮复习】题型一 阅读理解 题组 4 词义猜测题 含答案与解析-文档模板
  • 词数

  • 难度

  • 建议时间 记叙文

  • 勇敢面对阿尔茨海默病

  • 353

  • ★★★

  • 7分钟 Laura Sides was a psychology major at the University of Nottingham in 2004. She first noticed signs of her dad’s developing dementia(痴呆) when she moved to Nottingham.She said, "Dad was a doctor,so he knew exactly what had happened to him, but people try to hide it when they are ill. Then, I came home for my 21st birthday and arranged to meet him, but he never showed up as he’d forgotten.That’s when I knew something serious had happened." So, aged 21, she decided to leave university and look after him herself. She lived close by, popping in every day to make sure he was eating, and that the house was tidy, before heading off to her work. Besides challenging moments, there was a time when looking after her dad was a pure joy. "We’d wake up,I’d ask what he wanted t

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