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1presentation olympics Games 派潭中学 唐德[上学期]

  • 1presentation olympics Games 派潭中学 唐德[上学期]-PPT模板
  • 1presentation olympics Games 派潭中学 唐德[上学期]-PPT模板
  • 1presentation olympics Games 派潭中学 唐德[上学期]-PPT模板
  • 1presentation olympics Games 派潭中学 唐德[上学期]-PPT模板
  • 1presentation olympics Games 派潭中学 唐德[上学期]-PPT模板
  • 1presentation olympics Games 派潭中学 唐德[上学期]-PPT模板
  • 1presentation olympics Games 派潭中学 唐德[上学期]-PPT模板
  • 1presentation olympics Games 派潭中学 唐德[上学期]-PPT模板
  • 1presentation olympics Games 派潭中学 唐德[上学期]-PPT模板
  • 1presentation olympics Games 派潭中学 唐德[上学期]-PPT模板
  • The history of some Olympic traditions. 3

  • The Olympics in the world today. Introduction :Let the Games begin!The OlympicsCultures of the worldTHE OLYMPIC GAMESNew English Treasure/Projects The modern Olympic Games. Ancient Olympic events. The ancient Olympic Games.The Olympic GamesThe ancient Olympic Games The Olympic Games were held at Olympia in ancient Greece.The ancient Olympic GamesGREECEOlympiaThat is why they were called ‘Olympic’. The Olympic Games were held at Olympia in ancient Greece. They were part of a religious festival to worship the god Zeus.The ancient Olympic GamesThe statue of Zeus at Olympia was one of the seven wonders of the ancient world.

  • The Olympic Games were held at Olympia in ancient Greece.

  • They were part of a religious festival to worship the god Zeus.

  • The first Games were held in 776 BC. The ancient Olympic GamesThere was just one event, a race of one

  • 转载请注明出处!本文地址:https://www.docer.com/preview/21890797


  • 页数:23页
  • 时间:2023-04-03
  • 编号:21890797
  • 类型:VIP模板
  • 格式:wpp
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