Unit3 Our animal friends Grammar练习

  • Unit3 Our animal friends Grammar练习-文档模板
  • Unit3 Our animal friends Grammar练习-文档模板
  • Unit3 Our animal friends Grammar练习-文档模板
  • Unit3 Our animal friends Grammar练习-文档模板
  • Unit3 Our animal friends Grammar练习-文档模板
  • Unit3 Our animal friends Grammar练习-文档模板
  • Unit3 Our animal friends Grammar练习-文档模板
  • B. in

  • C. among

  • D. between 3.There are so many apples __________ that tree. A. in

  • B. on

  • C. at

  • D. from 4.--Do you know who taught _____French? --Nobody.He learned it by____. A.his;himself B.him;him C.him;himself D.his;him 5.There is a car _____ our house, and the driver is _____ it. A. in the front of, in front of

  • B. in the front of, in the front of C. in front of, in the front of

  • D. in front of, in front of 6.--Did you enjoy _________in Chengdu last week --Yes, I had great fun there. A. myself B. yourself C. ourselves D. themselves 7.He put up a map ________ the wall because there was a hole _________ it. A. on; on

  • B. at; in

  • C. on; in

  • D. on; at 8.They arrived ______ Shanghai ________ a cold morning. 【2018四川雅安】 A. in; in

  • B. in; on

  • C. a

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  • 页数:7页
  • 时间:2023-04-03
  • 编号:21594216
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