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Unit 3 School Life Lesson 16 We Are with You!课件20张

  • Unit 3 School Life Lesson 16  We Are with You!课件20张-PPT模板
  • Unit 3 School Life Lesson 16  We Are with You!课件20张-PPT模板
  • Unit 3 School Life Lesson 16  We Are with You!课件20张-PPT模板
  • Unit 3 School Life Lesson 16  We Are with You!课件20张-PPT模板
  • Unit 3 School Life Lesson 16  We Are with You!课件20张-PPT模板
  • 12 years old SCHOOL

  • Riverside High School A Big House Fire Jason Glen’s house was on fire. He lost everything in the big house fire. Before After clothes food toys house money lost school things Donate — collect and give away things like clothes, food, toys, books and so on. raise money 筹款 What ways do you know to raise money Let’s share my ideas. a car wash a cookie sale On the first day of school, something terrible happened. Jason's classmates came up with a plan. Many students brought clothes and food from their homes. In just three days, the school raised $1200. The school gave the money to Jason's family Jason Glen and his family lost everything in a big house fire. 1 2 3 4 5 6 __________,the school gave the ________ to Jason’s family. Jason _________his friends, “_________, my dear

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  • 页数:20页
  • 时间:2023-04-03
  • 编号:21516018
  • 类型:VIP模板
  • 格式:wpp
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