Unit 1 How can we become good learnersSection A 同步提高卷(含答案)

  • Unit 1 How can we become good learnersSection A 同步提高卷(含答案)-文档模板
  • Unit 1 How can we become good learnersSection A 同步提高卷(含答案)-文档模板
  • Unit 1 How can we become good learnersSection A 同步提高卷(含答案)-文档模板
  • Unit 1 How can we become good learnersSection A 同步提高卷(含答案)-文档模板
  • Unit 1 How can we become good learnersSection A 同步提高卷(含答案)-文档模板
  • Unit 1 How can we become good learnersSection A 同步提高卷(含答案)-文档模板
  • Unit 1 How can we become good learnersSection A 同步提高卷(含答案)-文档模板
  • Unit 1 How can we become good learnersSection A 同步提高卷(含答案)-文档模板
  • Unit 1 How can we become good learnersSection A 同步提高卷(含答案)-文档模板
  • B.Look up

  • C.Make up

  • D.Put up 2.—I don’t think ________ polite to speak to old people like that.—I’m sorry for that.

  • A.that

  • B.they

  • C.he

  • D.it 3.—I think this pair of white boots can match any of my sweaters and trousers. Can I —Yes, please.

  • A.try them on

  • B.try it on

  • C.try on them

  • D.try on it 4.—What’s this________English —It’s an eraser.

  • A.on

  • B.to

  • C.for

  • D.in 5.In the picture, he sits ______me, looking very happy.

  • A.beside

  • B.among

  • C.up

  • D.through 6. I ________ stay at home ________ go to a party on Sundays. A.would rather; than

  • B.would; than

  • C.like; to

  • D.prefer; to 7.—Will your father come to see your piano show tomorrow —________. He is having an important meeting in Beijing now.

  • A.They’d like to

  • B.You’re right

  • C.I’m afraid so

  • D.I’m afraid not 8.The well (井

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  • 页数:9页
  • 时间:2023-04-03
  • 编号:21470871
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