Module 6 Animals in danger 单元综合练(含答案解析)

  • Module 6 Animals in danger 单元综合练(含答案解析)-文档模板
  • Module 6 Animals in danger 单元综合练(含答案解析)-文档模板
  • Module 6 Animals in danger 单元综合练(含答案解析)-文档模板
  • Module 6 Animals in danger 单元综合练(含答案解析)-文档模板
  • Module 6 Animals in danger 单元综合练(含答案解析)-文档模板
  • Module 6 Animals in danger 单元综合练(含答案解析)-文档模板
  • Module 6 Animals in danger 单元综合练(含答案解析)-文档模板
  • Module 6 Animals in danger 单元综合练(含答案解析)-文档模板
  • Module 6 Animals in danger 单元综合练(含答案解析)-文档模板
  • 1.He turned on the computer and spent a few hours looking through different websites _______ more information.

  • A.get

  • B.getting


  • get

  • 2.Some volunteers are going to _______ the central park. Let's join them.

  • A.put up

  • B.clean up

  • C.look up

  • D.give up

  • 3.For more than once, our head teacher asks us ______ the habit of keeping a diary.

  • A. develop

  • B. develops

  • C. developing

  • D. to develop

  • 4.—Most of the wild animals are ______ because of their bad living environment.

  • —So we must do something to save them.

  • A. in need

  • B. on duty

  • C. at work

  • D. in danger

  • 5.Tony wants to _______ a school for those poor children in his home town.

  • A. set up

  • B. try on

  • C. pick up

  • D. turn on

  • 6.My father told me _______ football in the street. It's dangerous.

  • A. play

  • B. not play

  • C. to play

  • D. not to play

  • 7.—I'll be away for a long time.

  • —Don't worry. She can look after your pet _____.

  • A. careful enough

  • B. enou

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