Module 5 My school day 达标检测(含答案)

  • Module 5 My school day 达标检测(含答案)-文档模板
  • Module 5 My school day 达标检测(含答案)-文档模板
  • Module 5 My school day 达标检测(含答案)-文档模板
  • Module 5 My school day 达标检测(含答案)-文档模板
  • Module 5 My school day 达标检测(含答案)-文档模板
  • Module 5 My school day 达标检测(含答案)-文档模板
  • Module 5 My school day 达标检测(含答案)-文档模板
  • Module 5 My school day 达标检测(含答案)-文档模板
  • Module 5 My school day 达标检测(含答案)-文档模板
  • 1.Look! Some beef ______ ______ the fridge. Some potatoes ______ ______ the table.

  • A. are on; is in

  • B. is on; are in

  • C. is in; is on

  • D. is in; are on

  • 2.—Who is that lady

  • —She's Miss Green. She ______ us music, and she is so good.

  • A. taught

  • B. teaches

  • C. will teach

  • D. is teaching

  • 3.—We all like Miss Liu.

  • —Yes. She always makes her history classes _______.

  • A. interest

  • B. interests

  • C. interested

  • D. interesting

  • 4.—Do you like IT

  • —________. I love it very much.

  • A. Yes, I do

  • B. No, I'm not

  • C. Yes, I am

  • D. No, I don't

  • 5.We do _________ homework every day.

  • A. lot of

  • B. many

  • C. much

  • D. a lots of

  • 6.We have ______ breakfast ______ morning.

  • A. the; in

  • B./;in the

  • C. the; in the

  • D. /; in

  • 7.We have _______ at three o'clock.

  • A. English lesson

  • B. English

  • C. an English

  • D. lesson English

  • 8.—When do you often go to bed _______ the evening

  • 一_______ half past ten.

  • A. at; At

  • B. i

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