暑假初升高测试卷(含答案)2021-2022学年暑期初高衔接新高一英语检测试题 - 01

  • 暑假初升高测试卷(含答案)2021-2022学年暑期初高衔接新高一英语检测试题 - 01-文档模板
  • 暑假初升高测试卷(含答案)2021-2022学年暑期初高衔接新高一英语检测试题 - 01-文档模板
  • 暑假初升高测试卷(含答案)2021-2022学年暑期初高衔接新高一英语检测试题 - 01-文档模板
  • 暑假初升高测试卷(含答案)2021-2022学年暑期初高衔接新高一英语检测试题 - 01-文档模板
  • 暑假初升高测试卷(含答案)2021-2022学年暑期初高衔接新高一英语检测试题 - 01-文档模板
  • 暑假初升高测试卷(含答案)2021-2022学年暑期初高衔接新高一英语检测试题 - 01-文档模板
  • 暑假初升高测试卷(含答案)2021-2022学年暑期初高衔接新高一英语检测试题 - 01-文档模板
  • C. a; /

  • D. a; the --When is the meeting --It's_____10 o'clock _____the morning of November 19th. A. at; in

  • B. at; on

  • C. on; in

  • D. in; on In our school, _____ students like English, but _____ of them can speak English smoothly. A. a little, a few

  • B. a few, few

  • C. a few, little

  • D. a little, few Mr. Wang teaches _____ English. We all like _____. A. our; him

  • B. us; him

  • C. us; he

  • D. our; he Yesterday, some doctors _____ a _____ boy. A. had saved, dying

  • B. saved, dead C. has saved, dead

  • D. saved, dying --Look! Someone _____ the classroom. --Well, it wasn't me. I didn't do it. A. is cleaning

  • B. was cleaning

  • C. has cleaned

  • D. will clean By the time I got there, the movie _____ for 15 minutes. A. had started

  • B. had been on

  • C. has begun

  • D. has been on --Guess what! I saw Sally i

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  • 页数:8页
  • 时间:2023-04-03
  • 编号:21458230
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