Module 3 My school 模块测试卷(含答案 无听力题)

  • Module 3 My school 模块测试卷(含答案 无听力题)-文档模板
  • Module 3 My school 模块测试卷(含答案 无听力题)-文档模板
  • Module 3 My school 模块测试卷(含答案 无听力题)-文档模板
  • Module 3 My school 模块测试卷(含答案 无听力题)-文档模板
  • Module 3 My school 模块测试卷(含答案 无听力题)-文档模板
  • Module 3 My school 模块测试卷(含答案 无听力题)-文档模板
  • Module 3 My school 模块测试卷(含答案 无听力题)-文档模板
  • B. on; on

  • C. in; on

  • D. on; in 2. Look at the picture of my family.(同义替换)

  • A. name

  • B. photo

  • C. house

  • D. member 3. —What's in the picture on the wall

  • —There ________ a teacher and some students playing soccer on the playground.

  • A. has

  • B. are

  • C. is

  • D. have 4. Is the playground ________ the offices ________classrooms

  • A. between; to

  • B. between; of

  • C. between; for

  • D. between; and 5. There are many children playing on the ________.

  • A. hospital

  • B. store

  • C. office

  • D. playground 6. —I don't have ________ money for the T shirt.

  • —Don't worry. I can lend(借给) you some.

  • A. any

  • B. some

  • C. many

  • D. lots 7. Twenty eight and twelve ________.

  • A. are fifty

  • B. is forty

  • C. is fifty

  • D. are forty 8. —Shenzhen is a modern and international city.

  • —There ar

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