Unit 5 Amazing things 期末复习练习(word文档,含答案)

  • Unit 5  Amazing things 期末复习练习(word文档,含答案)-文档模板
  • Unit 5  Amazing things 期末复习练习(word文档,含答案)-文档模板
  • Unit 5  Amazing things 期末复习练习(word文档,含答案)-文档模板
  • Unit 5  Amazing things 期末复习练习(word文档,含答案)-文档模板
  • Unit 5  Amazing things 期末复习练习(word文档,含答案)-文档模板
  • C. an; a; an

  • D. an; an; a 2. ---There is _______beef in the fridge. Let’s go and buy some.---OK! Let’s go. A. little

  • B. a little

  • C. few

  • D. a few 3. Jack can speak Chinese _______English. A. as good as

  • B. as well as

  • C. as better as

  • D. as nice as 4. –I’m afraid I have to go now. --It’s raining hard. Don’t ____until the rain stops. stay

  • B.run

  • C. leave

  • D. come 5.Nobody likes him because he always thinks more of himself than_______. A. other

  • B. the other

  • C. the others

  • D. others 6. I saw a bird in the tree on my way ____the bank and I saw it again on my way_______home. to,to

  • B. to,/

  • C. /, to

  • D./,/ 7. What will _______us in the future if there’s no water happen

  • B. happening

  • C. happen to

  • D. happened to 8. I ____why Linda is always late for school. knew

  • B. wonder

  • C.say

  • D. tell 9. There’s too much traffic these days. Pe

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