
  • 2021年中考英语阅读理解强化训练(四)故事类(含答案)-文档模板
  • 2021年中考英语阅读理解强化训练(四)故事类(含答案)-文档模板
  • 2021年中考英语阅读理解强化训练(四)故事类(含答案)-文档模板
  • 2021年中考英语阅读理解强化训练(四)故事类(含答案)-文档模板
  • 2021年中考英语阅读理解强化训练(四)故事类(含答案)-文档模板
  • A young man named David was gone broke. He was trying to figure out how to make some money. "Maybe my insurance policy (保险单) can save me," he thought. So he made a plan.

  • On a Saturday evening, as it got dark outside, he put on a pair of dirty boots and walked through his house. He left many dirty footprints. He went back the way he came while wearing socks. He cut the boots into pieces and washed them down the toilet.

  • At 11 pm, he took a gun from his bedside table and went down his hallway without shoes. He fired three shots down the hallway. Then, he walked to the other end of the hallway and fired two shots in the opposite direction.

  • His neighbours soon called the police. Three police officers came to David's house just minutes later.

  • "I can't really tell you much. I was woken by a noise on the ground floor of my home. I took my gun and went downstairs. Halfway down the stairs, I saw a shadow of a man. I sh

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