Module 2 My family 模块测试卷(含答案)

  • Module 2 My family 模块测试卷(含答案)-文档模板
  • Module 2 My family 模块测试卷(含答案)-文档模板
  • Module 2 My family 模块测试卷(含答案)-文档模板
  • Module 2 My family 模块测试卷(含答案)-文档模板
  • Module 2 My family 模块测试卷(含答案)-文档模板
  • Module 2 My family 模块测试卷(含答案)-文档模板
  • Module 2 My family 模块测试卷(含答案)-文档模板
  • B. an; a

  • C. the; a

  • D. the; an 2. This is my pet dog. ________ name is Dingding.

  • A. Its

  • B. It's

  • C. It

  • D. Itself 3. Tony's father is a ________.

  • A. teachers

  • B. doctors

  • C. driver

  • D. workers 4. —What are these

  • —________ are some family photos.

  • A. These

  • B. Those

  • C. They

  • D. This 5. —________ is John

  • —He's my uncle. He's a soccer star.

  • A. How

  • B. Where

  • C. What

  • D. Who 6. In the photo, Jack is ________ the left and Tony is ________ me.

  • A. in; next

  • B. on; next

  • C. in; next to

  • D. on; next to 7. —There is an iPad on the desk. Whose is this

  • —It can be my ________. She bought one yesterday.

  • A. sister

  • B. sister's

  • C. sisters'

  • D. sisters 8. —The little boy is only three years old, but he can memorize about 50 poems.

  • —________ talented boy he is!

  • A. How

  • B. How a

  • C. What a

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  • 时间:2023-04-03
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