2021高考英语小题狂练(Day 18)

  • 2021高考英语小题狂练(Day 18)-文档模板
  • 2021高考英语小题狂练(Day 18)-文档模板
  • 2021高考英语小题狂练(Day 18)-文档模板
  • 2021高考英语小题狂练(Day 18)-文档模板
  • 2021高考英语小题狂练(Day 18)-文档模板
  • 2021高考英语小题狂练(Day 18)-文档模板
  • 2021高考英语小题狂练(Day 18)-文档模板
  • 2021高考英语小题狂练(Day 18)-文档模板
  • 2021高考英语小题狂练(Day 18)-文档模板
  • 2021高考英语小题狂练(Day 18)-文档模板
  • 说明文阅读 Passage B

  • 记叙文阅读 Passage C

  • 完型填空 Passage D

  • 语法填空 Passage E

  • 语法填空 Passage (A) Around 45% of plastic waste is recycled annually in the UK and plastic waste is on the increase.However,one of the problems with present plastic recycling methods is that you end up with a lower-quality plastic with worse properties (特性) than the original.This means that plastic drink bottles cannot simply be recycled into new drink bottles continuously,but instead are used for other lower-grade products like park benches. Now,British scientists have developed a new method of chemical recycling.They use lower temperatures and more environmentally friendly chemicals than previous methods to turn plastics back into their constituent chemical molecules (分子).In this way,they can be used to make new plastics of the same quality as the original. “Most plastics ar

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  • 页数:10页
  • 时间:2023-04-03
  • 编号:21344318
  • 类型:VIP模板
  • 格式:wps
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