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Unit 1 What’s the matter? Section B 1b-2e课件(20PPT)

  • Unit 1 What’s the matter? Section B 1b-2e课件(20PPT)-PPT模板
  • Unit 1 What’s the matter? Section B 1b-2e课件(20PPT)-PPT模板
  • Unit 1 What’s the matter? Section B 1b-2e课件(20PPT)-PPT模板
  • Unit 1 What’s the matter? Section B 1b-2e课件(20PPT)-PPT模板
  • Unit 1 What’s the matter? Section B 1b-2e课件(20PPT)-PPT模板
  • Unit 1 What’s the matter? Section B 1b-2e课件(20PPT)-PPT模板
  • Unit 1 What’s the matter? Section B 1b-2e课件(20PPT)-PPT模板
  • Unit 1 What’s the matter? Section B 1b-2e课件(20PPT)-PPT模板
  • Unit 1 What’s the matter? Section B 1b-2e课件(20PPT)-PPT模板
  • Unit 1 What’s the matter? Section B 1b-2e课件(20PPT)-PPT模板
  • Treat- ments

  • Problems

  • Treat- ments Someone felt sick.

  • b, c

  • Someone had a nosebleed.

  • Someone cut his knee.

  • Someone hurt his back.

  • Someone had a fever.

  • Someone got hit on the head.

  • Listen again. Write the letter of each treatment next to the problems you checked in the chart above. a. put a bandage on it b. took his temperature c. told him to rest d. put some medicine on it e. took him to the hospital to get an X-ray f. told her to put her head down 1c A = soccer B = mountain climbing C = swimming _____ fall down _____ have problems brea

  • 转载请注明出处!本文地址:https://www.docer.com/preview/21205014


  • 页数:20页
  • 时间:2023-04-03
  • 编号:21205014
  • 类型:VIP模板
  • 格式:wpp
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