Unit 6 When was it invented教案

  • Unit 6 When was it invented教案-文档模板
  • Unit 6 When was it invented教案-文档模板
  • Unit 6 When was it invented教案-文档模板
  • Unit 6 When was it invented教案-文档模板
  • Unit 6 When was it invented教案-文档模板
  • Unit 6 When was it invented教案-文档模板
  • Unit 6 When was it invented教案-文档模板
  • Unit 6 When was it invented教案-文档模板
  • Unit 6 When was it invented教案-文档模板
  • Unit 6 When was it invented教案-文档模板
  • ⑵ 1b.listen and match the inventions with the years. ⑶ 1c.practice the conversations between A and B.3. 当堂检测:⑴根据句意写单词 The bus mustn’t carry too many .② That’s a good idea. I with you. (4)2a.listen and number the inventions [1—3]in the order you hear them (5)2b.listen again and complete the chart below. (6)2d.Role play the conversation, according to the knowledge point’s .Then answers the questions. 1. What does the conversation talk about 2. Who invented it 3. When was it invented (7) 小结:Ⅲ. Post-class 1能了解部分有用的发明。 2熟练运用2d中的句式. 3.完成巩固练习。4 收获与反思:

  • 转载请注明出处!本文地址:https://www.docer.com/preview/21160306


  • 页数:6页
  • 时间:2023-04-03
  • 编号:21160306
  • 类型:VIP模板
  • 格式:wps
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