外研版七上:Module 7 unit2 When do you use a computer?教案

  • 外研版七上:Module 7 unit2 When do you use a computer?教案-文档模板
  • 外研版七上:Module 7 unit2 When do you use a computer?教案-文档模板
  • 外研版七上:Module 7 unit2 When do you use a computer?教案-文档模板
  • 德育目标:To know how to use the computer in right ways 知识目标:To understand passages on computer use and grasp the general idea 能力目标:To learn a reading skill ----- Scanning To write a composition about computers and us 重 点

  • 难 点

  • Key vocabulary: customer, Australia, game, share, company, often, Internet, check, train, travel, plan, ticket, music, movie, night, search, information, email, send, sometimes, visit, cinema, clothes Phrases: buy tickets, check email, go on the Internet, make travel plans, play games, share a computer, talk to customers, search for information, watch movies, work for a company 教学准备

  • 自主学习清单; PPT

  • 教 学 过 程

  • Step1.Self-study How can we write homework on the computer What can you do on the computer? buy tickets买票 check email查看电子邮件go on the Internet上网 make travel plans制定

  • 转载请注明出处!本文地址:https://www.docer.com/preview/21113431


  • 页数:3页
  • 时间:2023-03-31
  • 编号:21113431
  • 类型:VIP模板
  • 格式:wps
  • 提示:数字产品不支持退货
    数字产品本身(包括但不限于文字模板、表格模板、演示模板等)及其包含的全部素材 (包括但不限于字体、图片、图标、文本框、艺术字等)均不支持商用,仅能为个人学习、研究或欣赏目的使用。
