Unit 3 We should obey the rules Lesson 15 表格式教案

  • Unit 3 We should obey the rules Lesson 15 表格式教案-文档模板
  • 目标

  • 知识目标: Enable the students to say, read and understand the words and sentences: sometimes, should, shouldn’t, make a mess, keep your room clean, go to bed early, get up late, watch TV too often, read in bed

  • 能力目标: 1. Enable the students to understand the classroom language and do the reaction quickly. 2.Enable the students to make and act out the short dialogue. 情感态度与价值观: 1. Raise the students’ interest to learn English. 2.Encourage the students to have good cooperation with others. 3.Let the students obey the home rules at home and be good children. 学

  • 习 重 难 点

  • 重 点

  • How to use “should ” and “shouldn’t” to talk with others. Vocabularies: do housework, make a mess, read in bed

  • 难 点

  • How to use “should” and “shouldn’t” to talk with others 教学过程与方法:创设情境→目标引导→精讲点拨→自主合作→巩固拓展→反馈评价 课

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