Unit 11 I Can Lesson 6 教案

  • Unit 11 I Can Lesson 6 教案-文档模板
  • Unit 11 I Can Lesson 6 教案-文档模板
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  • Unit 11 I can Aims 1,To爎eview爐he爓ords:爏ing, dance, draw, write, jump, run, climb, speak, walk 2.To爎eview爐he爏entence爏tructure:燙an爕ou Yes,營燾an.燦o,營燾an抰.He/She燾an.../ It can... 2,To爀nable爏tudents爐o爑nderstand爐he爏tory爓ell; Key&Difficult Points 1,To爎eview爐he爓ords:爏ing, dance, draw, write, jump, run, climb, speak, walk 2.To爎eview爐he爏entence爏tructure:Can you… Yes, I can. No, I can’t.He/She can... / It can... 2,To enable students to understand the story well; Aids

  • PPT. 单词卡片 Procedure Warming up: enjoy a song:The days of the week 【设计意图:结合本年级学生的学情,复习巩固】 Step 1 Greeting & Free talk 1.Greeting T:Good morning, boys and girls. S:Good morning, Miss Hu. 2.Free talk T: What day is it today S: It’s Friday. T: What’s the weather like today S: It’s a sunny / fine day. T: What subjects do you like S: I like... T: What

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